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Veteran Burials in St. Augustine Cemetery

Return to primary St. Augustine Cemetery page.

Based on Hale Collection records, notes from the archives of the Connecticut State Archives, and personal visits to St. Augustine Cemetery, it is believed there are nearly 80 veterans among those buried at this site. Most are Civil War Veterans, but at least two are Veterans of the Spanish-American War, and at least one is a World War II Veteran. When complete, this page will stand as an online tribute to the Veterans laid to rest in St. Augustine Cemetery.

Below are the names of veterans known to date buried in St. Augustine Cemetery. Bolded entries represent those included in the Hale Collection. All spellings and dates subject to further verification:

   • Baker Rolin C Segt, died June 12, 1890
   • Bartram George B, died May 30, 1885
   • Bowman Otto H, died Aug 8, 1886
   • Burk Francis L *, died
   • Burns Dominick K, died Apr 2, 1890
   • Burns Lawrence, died Feb 18, 1905
   • Butler Frederick F, died June 26, 1881
   • Cahill Michael, died Apr 18, 1892
   • Campana George A, died June 20, 1893
   • Carney Thomas, died Dec 6, 1887
   • Caulfield John, died Mar 5, 1890
   • Clark Michael, died Jan 17, 1880
   • Condon Patrick, died Nov 15, 1885
   • Crofutt Henry H *, died Feb 27, 1888
   • Delaney Patrick, died Nov 17, 1874
   • Devaney, James, died Nov. 25, 1902, age 40, Co. H., 20th U.S. Inf. (Spanish American War)
   • Dinon John, died Nov 13, 1882
   • Dolan Peter, died Apr 3, 1870
   • Doran Peter, died Sep 14, 1896
   • Dunn John, died Nov 16, 1891
   • Dunn Peter, died
   • Dunning Charles F, died Dec 8, 1888
   • Eagan Thomas C *, died Jan 6, 1876
   • Farrell Nicholus, died
   • Fitzpatrick John, died Jan 7, 1878
   • Fitzpatrick Joseph, died Mar 11, 1876
   • Gately M, died Jan 10, 1874
   • Gerard Joseph J, died July 3, 1870
   • Gillick Thomas, died Nov 13, 1914
   • Goodwin Edward Leut, died Dec 16, 1880
   • Grant Lawrence, died Jan 3, 1887
   • Hayes B, died Dec 18, 1884/2?
   • Healy Dennis, died Feb 14, 1898
   • Herron John, died July 3, 1880
   • Hogan Patrick H, died Dec 22, 1882
   • Hough James *, died Aug 15, 1909
   • Kiley James 1st Leut, died Mar 16, 1891
   • Langan, Wm., died Apr. 3, 1900, age 35, Battry. B., 1st. C. V. Arty., (Spanish American War)
   • McBride Bernard, died Sept 29, 1864
   • McBride John, died Nov 26, 1861
   • McCarthy John J Corp *, died June 18, 1900
   • McDuff John, died May 29, 1887
   • McGinty John, died
   • McGovern Michael, died Aug 3, 1884
   • McOwen Owen, died Mar 20, 1883
   • Mehar Matthew *, died Oct 29, 1882
   • Morris Peter M, died Sep 5, 1882
   • Murphy James, died
   • Murphy James J, died Apr 27, 1871
   • Nooney Patrick Leut, died Dec 28, 1895
   • O'Connell Daniel, died June 10, 1875
   • O'Donnell John, died Apr 15, 1884
   • O'Donnell Philip, died June 7, 1882
   • O'Neil John, died Apr 24, 1889
   • O'Neil Michael, died Apr 3, 1869
   • Powers Patrick, died July 29, 1883
   • Purdy Patrick, died Dec 4, 1884/2?
   • Quinn Thomas, died Feb 15, 1864
   • Rourke John, died Dec 18, 1903
   • Ryan William, died Jan 12, 1899
   • Sheahan Daniel, died
   • Somers John Leut, died Aug 12, 1886
   • Tracy John, died Nov 4, 1870
   • unknown, died
   • unknown, died
   • unknown, died
   • unknown, died
   • Walsh Martin, died
   • Weber Joseph, died May 15, 1889
   • Welch Patrick, died Sep 26, 1875
   • Weldon James, died July 8, 1897

Civil War Veteran D.K. Burns, Co. D, 9th Conn. Inf.
Initial research suggested this was the grave of Irish Immigrant Dominick Burns, but our thanks
to Mitch Hallock for finding the proof we needed to tie our hunch on this stone together with historical fact.
The Roster of the Ninth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry (1861-1865), page 265, shows a listing for
Private Dominick Burns, resides Bridgeport, enlisted Sept. 5, 1861, mustered Sept. 26, 1861, discharged Nov. 17, 1861
Civil War Veteran, D.K. Burns
This stone marker was completely overgrown and had likely been so for decades.
No record of this burial or stone marker was made as part of the 1934 Hale project,
even though nearby stones to the right and left were transcribed in the Hale Collection.
A keen eye and a few minutes of careful edging uncovered this forgotten Civil War Veteran.
(Visit this site for details about military grave markers)
(Search the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors system at the Nat'l Park Service)
Civil War Veteran, D.K. Burns Civil War Veteran, D.K. Burns
Along the southwest edge of the cemetery is a recently revealed stone for Catherine Delmar
While helping someone search for a Lonergan burial which should be nearby (according to Hale)
we were able to instead uncover stone grave markers for two Civil War veterans. Both these markers
were completely covered by several inches of thick turf, but are now visible in time for Veteran's Day!
Civil War Stone Grave Markers
Markers for Bernard McBride (Co. I, 7th Conn. Inf.) and Jno. Herron (Co. K, 14th Conn. Inf.)
Civil War Stone Grave Markers
Peter McBride and sons John & Bernard, stone erected by Hannah, wife of Peter
The Stone Reads as follows:
Peter McBride, died Dec. 26, 1860, AE. 70

In remembrance of John McBride, who died at the Bombardment at
Fort Pickens, Nov. 26, 1861, AE. 18 y'rs & 6 mo.

Bernard McBride, died Sept. 28, 1864, AE. 19 y'rs.

Erected by Hannah, wife of Peter & mother of
John & Bernard McBride, Natives of the Co. _______, Ireland
Peter, John, & Bernard McBride
Dennis Healey, Company K, Second Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, died Feb. 14, 1898
This stone was completely covered and without the help of a survey map obtained from the archives
of the Connecticut State Library, the location of this burial would have remained unknown for decades.
The three photos below show the progression from location of the burial site to uncovering the stone.
This military issue grave marker is much larger than others, measuring 5' 6" in length by 16" wide.
Dennis Healey
Dennis Healey
Dennis Healey
World War II Veteran Casimir Wozny
Casimir Wozny
Civil War Veteran James Weldon
James Weldon
Civil War Veteran Michael McGovern, U.S.S. North Carolina
Michael McGovern
Spanish American War Veteran James Devaney
Spanish American War Veteran James Devaney
Spanish American War Veteran William Langan

Since being uncovered and re-installed in an upright position, these grave markers have been laid flat by cemetery workers from Bridgeport Diocese fearing future vandals would snap the markers leaving them in worse condition than if they remained flat.

Separately, the Civil War G.A.R. Post for Bridgeport was named after Elias Howe, Jr. — inventor of the sewing machine. As we attempt to uncover details for each of the Civil War Veterans, you may find this link helpful. Bridgeport - Pro-Patria - 1906 or GAR Medal

View more photos of hidden stone markers and tall monuments.

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