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Lynch Families in Census Records

The first U.S. Federal Census showing a Waterbury resident with the surname Lynch was in 1850. Prior census were inspected, but there is no indication that 1790 to 1840 census included Lynch or any variant spelling of the surname. The entries below are extracts from the 1850 U.S. Federal Census for the City of Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut. These were the only entries where the surname was recorded as Lynch. It is certainly possible that women with the maiden name Lynch appear under their married name in 1850, so if you think your female ancestor was living in the city in 1850, this may provide a clue as to a possible marriage date. Follow this link for additional details about the 1850 U.S. Census.

The column listed as Page denotes entry as 4.110.20 indicating Ward 4, Census Page 110, Line 20. For early enumerations, no Ward was recorded.

1850 Individuals Listed in Family Group Order
Name of Person Age Approx.
Birth Year
Place of Birth Gender Page
Dominick Lynch301820IrelandM.009.02
Michael Lynch351815IrelandM.048.32
Mary M Lynch251825IrelandF.048.33
Catharine Lynch61844ConnecticutF.048.34
Mary A Lynch41846ConnecticutF.048.35
Thomas Lynch11849ConnecticutM.048.36
Thomas Lynch321818IrelandM.057.28
Nancy Lynch221828IrelandF.057.29
James Lynch101840ConnecticutM.078.20
Alexander Lynch251825IrelandM.079.23
Margaret Lynch251825IrelandF.079.24
Thomas Lynch41846ConnecticutM.079.25
John Lynch21848ConnecticutM.079.26

1850 Individuals Listed in Alpha Order by Given Name
Name of Person Age Approx.
Birth Year
Place of Birth Gender Page
Alexander Lynch251825IrelandM.079.23
Catharine Lynch61844ConnecticutF.048.34
Dominick Lynch301820IrelandM.009.02
James Lynch101840ConnecticutM.078.20
John Lynch21848ConnecticutM.079.26
Margaret Lynch251825IrelandF.079.24
Mary A Lynch41846ConnecticutF.048.35
Mary M Lynch251825IrelandF.048.33
Michael Lynch351815IrelandM.048.32
Nancy Lynch221828IrelandF.057.29
Thomas Lynch321818IrelandM.057.28
Thomas Lynch41846ConnecticutM.079.25
Thomas Lynch11849ConnecticutM.048.36

The entries below are extracts from the 1860 U.S. Federal Census for the City of Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut. These were the only entries where the surname was recorded as Lynch. Follow this link for additional details about the 1860 U.S. Census.

1860 Individuals Listed in Family Group Order
Name of Person Age Approx.
Birth Year
Place of Birth Gender Page
Margaret Lynch301830IrelandF.006.29
Catherine Lynch251835IrelandF.015.40
Michael Lynch421818IrelandM.024.31
Mary Lynch401820IrelandF.024.32
Catharine Lynch141846ConnecticutF.024.33
Mary Ann Lynch121848ConnecticutF.024.34
Thomas Lynch81852ConnecticutM.024.35
Patrick Lynch251835IrelandM.028.29
Terence Lynch201840IrelandM.028.30
Mike Lynch251835IrelandM.044.05
Catharine Lynch251835IrelandF.044.06
Ann Lynch21858ConnecticutF.044.07
Thomas Lynch351825IrelandM.044.32
Bridget Lynch341826IrelandF.044.33
Michael Lynch71853ConnecticutM.044.34
Thomas Lynch41856ConnecticutM.044.35
Mary A Lynch21858ConnecticutF.044.36
Mary Ann Lynch91851ConnecticutF.080.21
Sarah Lynch51855ConnecticutF.080.22
Margaret Lynch331827IrelandF.088.14
Thomas Lynch141846ConnecticutM.088.15
John Lynch121848ConnecticutM.088.16
James Lynch101850ConnecticutM.088.17
Henry Lynch71853ConnecticutM.088.18
Alexander Lynch41856ConnecticutM.088.19
Mary E Lynch21858ConnecticutF.088.20
Daniel Lynch261834IrelandM.096.32
Ellen Lynch261834IrelandF.096.33
Frank Lynch11.121859ConnecticutM.096.34
Patrick Lynch211839IrelandM.108.39
Matthew Lynch381822IrelandM.110.15
Thomas Lynch351825IrelandM.163.13
Ann Lynch391821IrelandF.163.14
James Lynch71853ConnecticutM.163.15
Henry Lynch41856ConnecticutM.163.16
Wm Lynch181842IrelandM.163.39
William Lynch181842IrelandM.183.27

1860 Individuals Listed in Alpha Order by Given Name
Name of Person Age Approx.
Birth Year
Place of Birth Gender Page
Alexander Lynch41856ConnecticutM.
Ann Lynch21858ConnecticutF.
Ann Lynch391821IrelandF.
Bridget Lynch341826IrelandF.
Catharine Lynch141846ConnecticutF.
Catharine Lynch251835IrelandF.
Catherine Lynch251835IrelandF.
Daniel Lynch261834IrelandM.
Ellen Lynch261834IrelandF.
Frank Lynch11.121859ConnecticutM.
Henry Lynch71853ConnecticutM.
Henry Lynch41856ConnecticutM.
James Lynch101850ConnecticutM.
James Lynch71853ConnecticutM.
John Lynch121848ConnecticutM.
Margaret Lynch301830IrelandF.
Margaret Lynch331827IrelandF.
Mary A Lynch21858ConnecticutF.
Mary Ann Lynch121848ConnecticutF.
Mary Ann Lynch91851ConnecticutF.
Mary E Lynch21858ConnecticutF.
Mary Lynch401820IrelandF.
Matthew Lynch381822IrelandM.
Michael Lynch421818IrelandM.
Michael Lynch71853ConnecticutM.
Mike Lynch251835IrelandM.
Patrick Lynch251835IrelandM.
Patrick Lynch211839IrelandM.
Sarah Lynch51855ConnecticutF.
Terence Lynch201840IrelandM.
Thomas Lynch81852ConnecticutM.
Thomas Lynch351825IrelandM.
Thomas Lynch41856ConnecticutM.
Thomas Lynch141846ConnecticutM.
Thomas Lynch351825IrelandM.
William Lynch181842IrelandM.
Wm Lynch181842IrelandM.

The entries below are extracts from the 1870 U.S. Federal Census for the City of Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut. These were the only entries where the surname was recorded as Lynch. Follow this link for additional details about the 1870 U.S. Census. Depending upon how you count them, there were 17 or 18 households in 1870 with at least one individual listing the surname Lynch. All but 12 of the 57 individuals were living in the 4th ward of the city.

1870 Individuals Listed in Family Group Order
Name of Person Age Approx.
Birth Year
Place of Birth Gender Page
Thomas Lynch501820IrelandM2.007.11
Ann Lynch501820IrelandF2.007.12
James F Lynch171853ConnecticutM2.007.13
Henry Lynch131857ConnecticutM2.007.14
Hannah Lynch231847IrelandF2.007.15
Patrick Lynch281842IrelandM3.026.34
Bridget Lynch221848IrelandF3.026.35
Mary Lynch711799IrelandF3.030.14
John Lynch361834IrelandM3.030.15
Mary Lynch301840IrelandF3.030.16
John Lynch261844IrelandM3.034.12
Kate Lynch201850IrelandF3.067.12
James Lynch181852IrelandM4.043.37
William Lynch301840IrelandM4.045.16
Sarah Lynch271843IrelandF4.045.17
William Lynch81862ConnecticutM4.045.18
Joseph Lynch61864ConnecticutM4.045.19
Sarah Lynch41866ConnecticutF4.045.20
Frederick Lynch11869ConnecticutM4.045.21
Matthew Lynch451825IrelandM4.051.19
Ann J Lynch281842IrelandF4.051.20
Michael F Lynch101860New YorkM4.051.21
Thomas B Lynch231847IrelandM4.076.34
Eliza Lynch201850IrelandF4.095.15
Daniel Lynch381832IrelandM4.102.06
Ellen Lynch371833IrelandF4.102.07
Frank Lynch111859ConnecticutM4.102.08
Mary Lynch91861ConnecticutF4.102.09
John Lynch71863ConnecticutM4.102.10
Ann Lynch51865ConnecticutF4.102.11
William Lynch21868ConnecticutM4.102.12
Michael Lynch231847IrelandM4.102.26
Terrence Lynch301840IrelandM4.103.29
Ann Lynch261844IrelandF4.103.30
Edward Lynch11869ConnecticutM4.103.31
Michael Lynch451825IrelandM4.103.32
Kate Lynch351835IrelandF4.103.33
Anna Lynch121858ConnecticutF4.103.34
Thomas Lynch101860ConnecticutM4.103.35
William Lynch81862ConnecticutM4.103.36
James Lynch51865ConnecticutM4.103.37
Patrick Lynch311839IrelandM4.103.39
Margaret Lynch281842IrelandF4.103.40
Mary Lynch81862ConnecticutF4.104.01
James Lynch51865ConnecticutM4.104.02
Rosa Lynch21868ConnecticutF4.104.03
Thomas Lynch401830IrelandM4.106.03
Mary Lynch121858ConnecticutF4.106.04
John Lynch91861ConnecticutM4.106.05
Thomas Lynch71863ConnecticutM4.106.06
Michael Lynch51865ConnecticutM4.106.07
James Lynch381832IrelandM4.106.11
Ann Lynch361834IrelandF4.106.12
Michael Lynch601810IrelandM4.111.29
Mary Lynch521818IrelandF4.111.30
Mary Lynch231847ConnecticutF4.111.31
Thomas Lynch211849ConnecticutM4.111.32

1870 Individuals Listed in Alpha Order by Given Name
Name of Person Age Approx.
Birth Year
Place of Birth Gender Page
Ann Lynch51865ConnecticutF.
Ann Lynch261844IrelandF.
Ann Lynch361834IrelandF.
Ann Lynch501820IrelandF.
Ann J Lynch281842IrelandF.
Anna Lynch121858ConnecticutF.
Bridget Lynch221848IrelandF.
Daniel Lynch381832IrelandM.
Edward Lynch11869ConnecticutM.
Eliza Lynch201850IrelandF.
Ellen Lynch371833IrelandF.
Frank Lynch111859ConnecticutM.
Frederick Lynch11869ConnecticutM.
Hannah Lynch231847IrelandF.
Henry Lynch131857ConnecticutM.
James Lynch181852IrelandM.
James Lynch51865ConnecticutM.
James Lynch381832IrelandM.
James Lynch51865ConnecticutM.
James F Lynch171853ConnecticutM.
John Lynch361834IrelandM.
John Lynch91861ConnecticutM.
John Lynch71863ConnecticutM.
John Lynch261844IrelandM.
Joseph Lynch61864ConnecticutM.
Kate Lynch351835IrelandF.
Kate Lynch201850IrelandF.
Margaret Lynch281842IrelandF.
Mary Lynch521818IrelandF.
Mary Lynch231847ConnecticutF.
Mary Lynch81862ConnecticutF.
Mary Lynch91861ConnecticutF.
Mary Lynch121858ConnecticutF.
Mary Lynch301840IrelandF.
Mary Lynch711799IrelandF.
Matthew Lynch451825IrelandM.
Michael Lynch451825IrelandM.
Michael Lynch601810IrelandM.
Michael Lynch231847IrelandM.
Michael Lynch51865ConnecticutM.
Michael F Lynch101860New YorkM.
Patrick Lynch281842IrelandM.
Patrick Lynch311839IrelandM.
Rosa Lynch21868ConnecticutF.
Sarah Lynch271843IrelandF.
Sarah Lynch41866ConnecticutF.
Terrence Lynch301840IrelandM.
Thomas Lynch401830IrelandM.
Thomas Lynch71863ConnecticutM.
Thomas Lynch211849ConnecticutM.
Thomas Lynch101860ConnecticutM.
Thomas Lynch501820IrelandM.
Thomas B Lynch231847IrelandM.
William Lynch21868ConnecticutM.
William Lynch81862ConnecticutM.
William Lynch81862ConnecticutM.
William Lynch301840IrelandM.

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