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St. Augustine Cemetery, Bridgeport CT

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St. Augustine Cemetery — Toppled & Overgrown Headstones
St. Augustine Cemetery — Toppled & Overgrown Headstones (Farrell)
St. Augustine Cemetery — Toppled & Overgrown Headstones (Klenert)
St. Augustine Cemetery — Toppled & Overgrown Headstones (Geary)
Philip Geary
Image below shows uncovered stone (from above) of Philip Geary, Mary (his wife), and Julia Geary
Philip Geary
The Malone monument, before and after the removal (10/28/2007) of vandals spray paint
Malone Malone
St. Augustine Cemetery — Toppled & Overgrown Headstones (O'Flaherty)
Same O'Flaherty headstone shown above, but after it had been edged and cleaned.
Partially visible stones of Bridget Farrall (left) and Daniel Foley
St. Augustine Cemetery — Toppled & Recently uncovered Headstone (Bridget Farrall)
Bridget Farrall Headstone
St. Augustine Cemetery — Toppled & Recently uncovered Headstone (Daniel Foley)
Daniel Foley
St. Augustine Cemetery — Toppled & Overgrown Headstones (Slovak?)
St. Augustine Cemetery — Toppled & Overgrown Headstones (Russian)
Awaiting full translation of this old-style Russian lettering, but there are two names
inscribed (one named Ivan) and the words "Sleep in Peace" beneath each.
St. Augustine Cemetery — Rescued Headstones
Prior to being 'rescued', these stones were laying flat and barely visible beneath overgrown grass and dirt.
St. Augustine Cemetery — Annie Irving (age 11 years)
Prior to being 'rescued', this stone was laying flat and barely visible beneath overgrown grass and dirt.
Annie Irving
St. Augustine Cemetery — Robert J. Rigney (age 10 months)
Prior to being 'rescued', this stone was laying flat and barely visible beneath overgrown grass and dirt.
Robert J. Rigney
St. Augustine Cemetery — Hidden Headstone of Catherine Delmar before being cleaned,
this stone was barely visible even when standing next to it.
Catherine Delmar
The image below is the same headstone as the area shown immediately above for Catherine Delmar
Catherine Delmar
St. Augustine Cemetery — Hidden Headstone of Jane O'Reilly before being cleaned,
compared to the image which will follow taken at a similar angle for comparison.
Jane O'Reilly
After being carefully edged and the growth removed from the face, the stone reveals details for
Jane, wife of Patrick O'Reilly, died Aug. 15, 1764, age 30, as well as
Mary Catharine, daughter of Patrick & Jane, died Aug. 25, 1864, age 25 days.
This paints a sad picture of a mother who died 15 days after giving birth.
Jane O'Reilly, wife of Patrick O'Reilly
St. Augustine Cemetery — Hidden Headstone of Margaret Donlon (Margaret Lahan)
Margaret Donlon Lahan
After the headstone shown above has been edged and cleaned, it reveals the following details,
Margaret Donlon, wife of Stephen Lahan, died Aug. 27, 1872, age 10 and
Thomas F., their son, died Aug. 16, 1872, aged 3 years, 2 months, and 9 days
(Hale transcribe as Donlon, but should have been Margaret Lahan and Thomas F. Lahan)
Margaret Donlon Lahan

View more photos of hidden stone markers and tall monuments.

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